The tier-1 logical router must be connected to the tier-0 logical router to get the northbound physical router access.



  1. With admin privileges, log in to NSX Manager.
  2. Select Networking > Tier-1 Logical Routers > Add.
  3. Enter a name for the logical router and optionally a description.
  4. (Optional) Select a tier-0 logical router to connect to this tier-1 logical router.
    If you do not yet have any tier-0 logical routers configured, you can leave this field blank for now and edit the router configuration later.
  5. (Optional) Select an NSX Edge cluster.
    To deselect a cluster that you selected, click the x icon. If the tier-1 logical router is going to be used for NAT configuration, it must be connected to an NSX Edge cluster. If you do not yet have any NSX Edge clusters configured, you can leave this field blank for now and edit the router configuration later.
  6. (Optional) Click the StandBy Relocation toggle to enable or disable standby relocation.
    Standby relocation means that if the Edge node where the active or standby logical router is running fails, a new standby logical router is created on another Edge node to maintain high availability. If the Edge node that fails is running the active logical router, the original standby logical router becomes the active logical router and a new standby logical router is created. If the Edge node that fails is running the standby logical router, the new standby logical router replaces it.
  7. (Optional) If you selected an NSX Edge cluster, select a failover mode.
    Option Description
    Preemptive If the preferred node fails and recovers, it will preempt its peer and become the active node. The peer will change its state to standby. This is the default option.
    Non-preemptive If the preferred node fails and recovers, it will check if its peer is the active node. If so, the preferred node will not preempt its peer and will be the standby node.
  8. (Optional) Click the Advanced tab and enter a value for Intra Tier-1 Transit Subnet.
  9. Click Add.


After the logical router is created, if you want to remove the Edge cluster from the router's configuration, perform the following steps:
  • Click the name of the router to see the configuration details.
  • Select Services > Edge Firewall.
  • Click Disable Firewall.
  • Click the Overview tab and click Edit.
  • In the Edge Cluster field, click the x icon.
  • Click Save.
If this logical router supports more than 5000 VMs, you must run the following commands on each node of the NSX Edge cluster to increase the size of the ARP table.
   set debug-mode
   set dataplane neighbor max-arp-logical-router 10000
You must re-run the commands after a dataplane restart or a node reboot because the change is not persistent.

What to do next

Create downlink ports for your tier-1 logical router. See Add a Downlink Port on a Tier-1 Logical Router in Manager Mode.