Navigate to VNets to view the VPCs or VNets in your public cloud account or subscription.
You can filter the inventory by account and region.
- Each card represents one VPC/VNet.
- You can have one or two (for HA) PCGs deployed on Transit VPCs/VNets.
- You can link Compute VPCs/VNets to Transit VPCs/VNets.
- You can view more details for each VPC or VNet by switching to the grid view.
In the grid view you can see three tabs: Overview, Instances, and Segments.
- Overview lists the options under Actions as described in the next step.
- Instances displays a list of instances in the VPC/VNet.
- Segments displays overlay segments in NSX.
Note: This feature is not supported in the current release for NSX Cloud. Do not tag your workload VMs in AWS or Microsoft Azure with tags shown on this screen.
- Click Actions to access the following:
- Edit Configuration (only available for Transit VPCs/VNets):
- Enable or disable Quarantine Policy if in the NSX Enforced Mode.
- Change your proxy server selection.
- Link to Transit VPC/VNet: This option is only available to VPCs/VNets that do not have any PCG deployed on them. Click to select a Transit VPC/VNet to link to.
- Deploy NSX Cloud Gateway: This option is only available to VPCs/VNets that do not have a PCG deployed on them. Click this option to get started with deploying PCG on this VPC/VNet and make it a Transit or self-managed VPC/VNet. See Deploy or Link NSX Public Cloud Gateways in the NSX Installation Guide for detailed instructions.
- Edit Configuration (only available for Transit VPCs/VNets):