You can search for objects using various criteria throughout the NSX inventory.

The search results are sorted by relevance and you can filter these results based on your search query.

Note: If you have special characters in your search query that also function as operators, then you must add a leading backslash. The characters that function as operators are: +, -, =, &&, ||, <, >, !, (, ), {, }, [, ], ^, '', ~, ?, :, /, \.


  1. With admin privileges, log in to NSX Manager.
  2. On the homepage, enter a search pattern for an object or object type.

    You can also select a recent query or a search query that you saved.

    As you enter a search pattern, the search feature provides assistance by showing the applicable keywords.
    Search Search Query
    Objects with Logical as the name or property Logical
    Exact logical switch name display_name:LSP-301
    Names with special characters such as, ! Logical\!
    All the related search results are listed and grouped by resource type in different tabs.

    You can click the tabs for specific search results for a resource type.

  3. (Optional) In the search bar, click the save icon to save your refined search criteria.
  4. In the search bar, click the Advanced search icon in NSX-T icon to open the advanced search column where you can refine your search.
  5. Specify one or more criteria to refine your search.
    • Name
    • Resource Type
    • Description
    • ID
    • Created by
    • Modified by
    • Tags
    • Creation Date
    • Modified Date

    You can also view your recent search results and saved search criteria.

  6. (Optional) Click Clear All to reset your advanced search criteria.