After you send a configuration update request for an IPSec VPN session, you can check to see if the requested state has been successfully processed in the NSX local control plane on the transport nodes.

When you create an IPSec VPN session, multiple entities are created: IKE profile, DPD profile, tunnel profile, local endpoint, IPSec VPN service, and IPSec VPN session. These entities all share the same IPSecVPNSession span, so you can obtain the realization state of all the entities of the IPSec VPN session by using the same GET API call. You can check the realization state using only the API.



  1. Send a POST, PUT, or DELETE request API call.
    For example:
    PUT https://<nsx-mgr>/api/v1/vpn/ipsec/sessions/8dd1c386-9b2c-4448-85b8-51ff649fae4f
       "resource_type": "PolicyBasedIPSecVPNSession",
       "id": "8dd1c386-9b2c-4448-85b8-51ff649fae4f",
       "display_name": "Test RZ_UPDATED",
       "ipsec_vpn_service_id": "7adfa455-a6fc-4934-a919-f5728957364c",
       "peer_endpoint_id":  "17263ca6-dce4-4c29-bd8a-e7d12bd1a82d",
       "local_endpoint_id": "91ebfa0a-820f-41ab-bd87-f0fb1f24e7c8",
       "enabled": true,
       "policy_rules": [
               "id": "1026",
               "sources": [
                       "subnet": ""
               "logged": true,
               "destinations": [
                       "subnet": "2.1.4..0/24"
               "action": "PROTECT",
               "enabled": true,
               "_revision": 1
  2. Locate and copy the value of x-nsx-requestid from the response header returned.
    For example:
    x-nsx-requestid   e550100d-f722-40cc-9de6-cf84d3da3ccb
  3. Request the realization state of the IPSec VPN session using the following GET call.
    GET https://<nsx-mgr>/api/v1/vpn/ipsec/sessions/<ipsec-vpn-session-id>/state?request_id=<request-id>
    The following API call uses the id and x-nsx-requestid values in the examples used in the previous steps.
    GET https://<nsx-mgr>/api/v1/vpn/ipsec/sessions/8dd1c386-9b2c-4448-85b8-51ff649fae4f/state?request_id=e550100d-f722-40cc-9de6-cf84d3da3ccb
    Following is an example of a response you receive when the realization state is in_progress.
      "details": [
          "sub_system_type": "TransportNode",
          "sub_system_id": "fe651e63-04bd-43a4-a8ec-45381a3b71b9",
          "state": "in_progress",
          "failure_message": "CCP Id:ab5958df-d98a-468e-a72b-d89dcdae5346, Message:State realization is in progress at the node."
          "sub_system_type": "TransportNode",
          "sub_system_id": "ebe174ac-e4f1-4135-ba72-3dd2eb7099e3",
          "state": "in_sync"
      "state": "in_progress",
      "failure_message": "The state realization is in progress at transport nodes."
    Following is an example of a response you receive when the realization state is in_sync.
        "details": [
                "sub_system_type": "TransportNode",
                "sub_system_id":  "7046e8f4-a680-11e8-9bc3-020020593f59",
                "state": "in_sync"
        "state": "in_sync"
    The following are examples of possible responses you receive when the realization state is unknown.
        "state": "unknown",
        "failure_message": "Unable to get response from any CCP node. Please retry operation after some time."
        "details": [
              "sub_system_type": "TransportNode",
              "sub_system_id": "3e643776-5def-11e8-94ae-020022e7749b",
              "state": "unknown", 
              "failure_message": "CCP Id:ab5958df-d98a-468e-a72b-d89dcdae5346, Message: Unable to get response from the node. Please retry operation after some time."
              "sub_system_type": "TransportNode",
              "sub_system_id": "4784ca0a-5def-11e8-93be-020022f94b73",
              "state": "in_sync"
        "state": "unknown",
        "failure_message": "The state realization is unknown at transport nodes"
    After you perform an entity DELETE operation, you might receive the status of NOT_FOUND, as shown in the following example.
       "http_status": "NOT_FOUND",
       "error_code": 600, 
       "module_name": "common-services",
       "error_message": "The operation failed because object identifier LogicalRouter/61746f54-7ab8-4702-93fe-6ddeb804 is missing: Object identifiers are case sensitive.."
    If the IPSec VPN service associated with the session is disabled, you receive the BAD_REQUEST response, as shown in the following example.
        "httpStatus": "BAD_REQUEST",
        "error_code": 110199,
        "module_name": "VPN",
        "error_message": "VPN service f9cfe508-05e3-4e1d-b253-fed096bb2b63 associated with the session 8dd1c386-9b2c-4448-85b8-51ff649fae4f is disabled. Can not get the realization status."