You can configure the ARP limit of a tier-0 or tier-1 gateway or logical router using the API. The limit specifies the maximum number of ARP entries per transport node at each gateway or logical router.

To read or set the global ARP limit, use the following API methods and parameter:

Method URI Parameter
GET, PUT, PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/global-config arp_limit_per_gateway (range: 5000 - 50000, default: 50000)

To read or set the ARP limit for a specific tier-0 or tier-1 gateway, use the following API methods and parameter. If the limit is not set, the global ARP limit will apply.

Method URI Parameter
GET, PUT, PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-0s/<tier-0-id> arp_limit (range: 5000 - 50000, no default)
GET, PUT, PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id> arp_limit (range: 5000 - 50000, no default)

Note that updating the ARP limit using Manager GlobalConfig API is not allowed.