Verify whether individual nodes are listed as members of the NSX Manager cluster.

Log in to any one of the nodes and perform one of these steps to verify whether all nodes are listed as members of the NSX Manager cluster.



  1. To verify NSX Manager cluster status from CLI, perform these steps:
    1. Log in as an admin to any one of the NSX Manager nodes.
    2. run 'get cluster status' to view the correct number of manager nodes are listed as members of the cluster and cluster status is STABLE.
  2. To verify NSX Manager cluster status from UI, perform these steps:
    1. Go to System → Appliances. Verify the Cluster status is STABLE and a correct number of nodes are shown to be part of the cluster.
  3. To verify NSX Manager cluster status from API, run these commands:
    • GET /api/v1/cluster/status
    • GET api/v1/cluster/nodes or GET api/vi/cluster/<node-id>