The NSX Advanced Load Balancer is also known as VMware® Avi™ Load Balancer. From NSX Manager you can form an Avi controller cluster comprising of three NSX Advanced Load Balancer appliances. Objects, such as virtual services, profiles, pools and pool groups, that you later create in the Avi Load Balancer UI will need access to a management network. Use the controller cluster to provide these objects access to a management network.
The VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer is a distributed and highly scalable cloud-native application distribution solution. Starting with NSX version 3.2, you can deploy and configure the NSX Advanced Load Balancer (AVI) using NSX Manager. The existing NSX Load balancer will be deprecated. The NSX Manager UI provides a single UI to install and manage all NSX components.
- Supported Avi controller versions: 20.1.7, 21.1.2 or later versions
- Reserve four IP addresses (same subnet) in the management network to be assigned to the three controller appliances and one to the Virtual IP of NSX Advanced Load Balancer appliance cluster.
- Cluster VIP and all controllers management network must be in same subnet.
- Download the controller OVA from Broadcom Support page. To know more about downloading the controller OVA image, see
What to do next
(Optional) Install portal certificate for ALB controllers.
Run the following API to create a portal Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for ALB controller.
POST /alb/controller-nodes/certificate/csr
Payload: { "common_name": "avi", "email": "[email protected]", "organization": "vm", "organization_unit": "VM", "locality": "BLR", "country": "IN", "state_name": "KA", "subject_alt_names": [ "" ], "algorithm": "SSL_KEY_ALGORITHM_RSA", "key_size": "SSL_KEY_2048_BITS" } Response: { "name": "System-Portal-Cert-e8abab64", "csr": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST -------- END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" }
(Optional) Run the following API to install and update portal certificate in ALB Controller.
POST /alb/controller-nodes/certificate/install
Payload: { "name": "System-Portal-Cert-e8abab64", "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE -------- END CERTIFICATE-----" } Response: { "name": "System-Portal-Cert-14:58:30", "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE -------- END CERTIFICATE-----" }
After successfully deploying NSX Advanced Load Balancer appliance cluster, configure a NSX Cloud Connector in the AVI UI and then configure virtual services that will load balance traffic across servers.
For troubleshooting installation issues related to NSX Advanced Load Balancer appliance cluster, see Troubleshooting NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller Issues.
To know the best practices to install and run NSX Advanced Load Balancer, see the following link,
In upgraded environments such as 3.2.0 or 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 or higher with advanced load balancer activated, deactivate the NSX Advanced Load Balancer by clicking Deactivate NSX-T ALB in the banner message on the UI. For more detals, see the NSX Administration Guide.
If the environment is running NSX Load Balancer, use NSX to Avi Migration Tool to migrate from NSX LB to NSX Advanced Load Balancer. See the AVI documentation.