Verify the transport node is created and VDS configured successfully.


  1. Log in to the NSX Manager UI.
  2. Navigate to System → Fabric → Hosts page.
  3. To view the host and VDS status, navigate to Host Details → Overview tab.
  4. Verify host controller connectivity and manager connectivity is UP.
  5. Navigate to the Transport Node page and view the VDS status.
  6. To view active manager node for this transport node, run nsxcli -c get managers *.
  7. To view the master controller with 'connected' status and session state up for this transport node, run nsxcli -c get controllers.
  8. Alternatively, view the VDS on ESXi with the esxcli network ip interface list command.
    On ESXi, verify correct number of vmk interfaces are configured with a VDS name that matches the name you used when you configured the transport zone and the transport node.
    # esxcli network ip interface list
       Name: vmk10
       MAC Address: 00:50:56:64:63:4c
       Enabled: true
       Portset: DvsPortset-1
       Portgroup: N/A
       Netstack Instance: vxlan
       VDS Name: overlay-hostswitch
       VDS UUID: 18 ae 54 04 2c 6f 46 21-b8 ae ef ff 01 0c aa c2
       VDS Port: 10
       VDS Connection: 10
       Opaque Network ID: N/A
       Opaque Network Type: N/A
       External ID: N/A
       MTU: 1600
       TSO MSS: 65535
       Port ID: 67108895

    If you are using the vSphere Client, you can view the installed VDS in the UI by selecting host Configuration > Network Adapters.

  9. Check the transport node's assigned tunnel endpoint address.
    The vmk10 interface receives an IP address from the NSX IP pool or DHCP, as shown here:
    # esxcli network ip interface ipv4 get
    Name   IPv4 Address    IPv4 Netmask   IPv4 Broadcast   Address Type  DHCP DNS
    -----  --------------  -------------  ---------------  ------------  --------
    vmk0  STATIC           false
    vmk1     STATIC           false
    vmk10  STATIC           false
  10. Check the API for transport node state information.

    Call the (deprecated API) GET https://<nsx-mgr>/api/v1/transport-nodes/<transport-node-id>/state API call.

    Or call the GET /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcement-point-id>/transport-node-status-report, where the default value for <site-id> and <enforcement-point-id> is default.

    For example:
    { "transport_node_id": "55120a1a-51c6-4c20-b4a3-6f59662c9f6a", "host_switch_states": 
     [ { "host_switch_id": "50 21 0c 52 94 22 aa 20-b7 f0 0b da 1c 7c 29 ea", "host_switch_name": "dvs1", 
     "endpoints": [ { "device_name": "vmk10", "ip": "", "default_gateway": "", "subnet_mask": "", "label": 53249 } ],
     "transport_zone_ids": [ "1b3a2f36-bfd1-443e-a0f6-4de01abc963e" ], "host_switch_type": "VDS" } ],
     "maintenance_mode_state": "DISABLED", 
     "node_deployment_state": { "state": "success", "details": [] }, "deployment_progress_state": { "progress": 100, "current_step_title": "Configuration complete" }, 
     "state": "success",
     "details": [ { "sub_system_id": "55120a1a-51c6-4c20-b4a3-6f59662c9f6a",
     "sub_system_type": "HostConfig", "state": "success" }, 
     { "sub_system_id": "55120a1a-51c6-4c20-b4a3-6f59662c9f6a", "sub_system_type": "AppInit", "state": "success" },
     { "sub_system_id": "55120a1a-51c6-4c20-b4a3-6f59662c9f6a", "sub_system_type": "LogicalSwitchFullSync", 
     "state": "success" } ] }