
The issue is seen when a transport node's connectivity to NSX Manager is Up but its controller is Down. When you run get managers, NSX returns active manager node, while get controllers does not return any active controller for this transport node, which is in Connected state and its session state is also Up.



  1. Verify transport node is not in NSX Maintenance Mode via admin cli get maintenance-mode.
  2. Call one of the following API:
    1. (Deprecated) GET API/v1/transport-nodes/<uuid>/status
    2. GET api/v1/infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcementpoint-id>/host-transport-nodes/<host-transport-node-id>/status, where default values for <site-id> and <enforcementpoint-id> is default.
  3. Verify FQDN property (used by transport nodes to talk with NSX Manager or controller) is set by running API: GET /api/v1/configs/management and view value for publish_fqdns.
    If FQDN is set, verify the controller FQDN is reachable and FQDN value is being used to by the transport node to talk to controller by first running ICMP ping to controller FQDN followed by admin cli get controllers to verify controller FQDN value is getting populated correctly.
  4. Verify host agent services are running by following host agent troubleshooting step mentioned above.
  5. Verify controller.xml file exists and contains Host transport node as its member: /etc/vmware/nsx/controller-info.xml.
  6. If host is in NSX Maintenance Mode, run admin cli set maintenance-mode false or API to take host out of NSX maintenance mode: POST /api/v1/transport-nodes/<node-id>?action=exit_maintenance_mode.
  7. If FQDN set and ICMP ping works for controller FQDN then try unsetting and setting the FQDN property again by running API PUT /api/v1/configs/management with value for publish_fqdns as false and then run the API again with value true.
  8. Start agent services on the host (if any stopped) by running the CLI command etc/init.d/<service-name> start.
  9. If controller.xml file has incorrect data, restart nsx-proxy service on the host to trigger re-creation of file.