Create one or more VM groups and add VM instance UUIDs to each group. By creating VM groups, you can do your workload migration in batches involving a set of VMs.
You must create VM Groups only when the DFW rules in your NSX-V environment use Security Groups with dynamic memberships based on Security Tags or use static memberships. When only IP-based DFW rules are used in your NSX-V environment, VM Groups are not required before migrating the workload VMs to NSX.
Run the following POST API request:
POST https://{nsxt-mgr-ip}/api/v1/migration/vmgroup?action=pre_migrate
You can obtain the VM instance UUIDs from the VMware vCenter Managed Object Browser (MOB) at http://{vCenter-IP-Address}/mob, or run API requests to vSphere.
See the example in this topic to understand the steps for finding the VM instance UUIDs from the VMware vCenter MOB.
This API creates a logical segment port (VIF) corresponding to the VM instance UUID of each NSX-V workload VM in the VM group that you will be migrating through the Layer 2 bridge to the NSX overlay segment.
For an example request body of this API, see the Lift and Shift Migration Process section of the NSX Tech Zone article.
Example: Obtain VM Instance UUID from the vCenter MOB
- In a web browser, enter the vCenter Managed Object Browser at http//{vCenter-IP-Address}/mob.
- Click content.
- Find rootFolder in the Name column, and click the corresponding link in the Value column. For example, group-d1.
- Find childEntity in the Name column, and click the corresponding link in the Value column. For example, datacenter-21.
- Find hostFolder in the Name column, and click the corresponding link in the Value column. For example, group-h23.
- Find childEntity in the Name column. The corresponding Value column contains links to host clusters. Click the appropriate host cluster link. For example, domain-c33.
- Find host in the Name column. The corresponding Value column lists the hosts in that cluster by vCenter MOID and hostname. Click the appropriate host link, For example, host-32.
- Find vm in the Name column. The corresponding Value column lists the virtual machines by vCenter MOID and hostname. For example, vm-216 (web-01a). Click the VM that you are interested in.
- Find config in the Name column. Click config in the Value column.
- Find instanceUuid in the Name column. The corresponding Value column lists the VM instance UUID. For example, 502e71fa-1a00-759b-e40f-ce778e915f16.