An event during the upgrade process fails and the message from the Upgrade Coordinator indicates a timeout error.


During the upgrade process, the following events might fail because they do not complete within a specific time. The Upgrade Coordinator reports a timeout error for the event and the upgrade fails.
Event Timeout Value
Putting a host into maintenance mode 4 hours
Waiting for a host to reboot 32 minutes
Waiting for the NSX service to be running on a host 13 minutes


  • For the maintenance mode issue, log in to VMware vCenter and verify the status of tasks related to the host. Resolve any problems.
  • For the host reboot issue, check the host to see why it failed to reboot.
  • For the NSX service issue, log in to the NSX Manager UI, select System > Appliances and see if the host has an installation error. If so, you can resolve it from the NSX Manager UI. If the error cannot be resolved, you can refer to the upgrade logs to determine the cause of the failure.