You must prepare your infrastructure and follow the task sequence provided in the checklist for the upgrade process to be successful.

You can perform the upgrade process in a maintenance time frame defined by your company. You can, for example, upgrade only one of the components and upgrade the other NSX components later, during another maintenance time frame.

Run the upgrade pre-checks at least one week in advance of the planned upgrade maintenance window. Running the pre-checks in advance allows you sufficient time to address and resolve issues identified by the pre-checks.

Upgrade Order

Starting NSX, you have the flexibility to change the order of upgrade for your edge clusters and hosts. You can alternate between groups of hosts and groups of edge nodes during upgrade.

For instance, if you have two edge clusters and two host clusters, you can first upgrade one of the edge clusters followed by a host cluster and then complete upgrade for the remaining clusters in any order you prefer.

You can either upgrade a cluster of hosts at a time or a cluster of edges. Host and edge nodes cannot be upgraded in parallel. The NSX Manager is upgraded only after all the edges and hosts have been upgraded.