You can see the list of VMs in the inventory. You can also add tags to a VM to make searching easier.


Verify that Manager mode is selected in the NSX Manager user interface. See NSX Manager. If you do not see the Policy and Manager mode buttons, see Configure the User Interface Settings.


  1. With admin privileges, log in to NSX Manager.
  2. Select Inventory > Virtual Machines from the navigation panel.
    The list of VMs is displayed with 4 columns: Virtual Machine, External ID, Source, and Tag. Click the filter icon in the first three columns' heading to filter the list. Enter a string of characters to do a partial match. If the string in the column contains the string that you entered, the entry is displayed. Enter a string of characters enclosed in double quotes to do an exact match. If the string in the column exactly matches the string that you entered, the entry is displayed.
  3. Select Inventory > Virtual machines from the navigation panel.
  4. Select a VM.
  5. Click MANAGE TAGS.
  6. Add or delete tags.
    Option Action
    Add a tag Click ADD to specify a tag and optionally a scope.
    Delete a tag Select an existing tag and click DELETE.
    The maximum number of tags that can be assigned to a virtual machine is 25. The maximum number of tags for all other managed objects such as logical switches or ports, is 30.
    Note: Tags used in system groups must not be assigned to regular VMs. For example, if tag ABC is used in the membership criteria of the Edge_NSGroup system group, this tag must not be assigned to any regular VM.
  7. Click Save.