Starting with NSX 4.2.1, some self-signed appliance certificates will be replaced before their expiry.
A background task in the NSX Manager scans the list of certificates stored in Corfu and identifies all the appliance certificates that have expired or are due to expire within a period of 31 days. This task then constructs and runs a batch certificate replace operation that will replace all of the expired or the expiring certificates.
- Backup & restore
- Upgrade
- Rollback
- Addition of a new transport node (host or edge)
- Addition of a new manager node
Note that APH_TN or CCP certificates are not replaced during the automatic certificate replacement.
You can also manually initiate the replacement of expiring certificates by running the following API.
POST /api/v1/trust-management/certificates/action/renew-appliance-certificates
By default, the automated certificate replacement performs its first check for expired certificates 10 minutes after proton startup and then repeats the check after every 24 hours
Turning off Automatic Certificate Replacement
By default, the automatic certificate replacement policy is enabled. To turn off the replacement policy, add the following fields to the /policy/api/v1/infra/security-global-config API.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/security-global-config { ... (existing properties) "automatic_appliance_certificate_replacement_enabled": false, "automatic_appliance_certificate_replacement_lead_time": 31 # in days }