The System Health Agent (SHA) framework provides monitors that can dump host transport node statistics and optionally segment statistics over a specified duration to files, which are saved on the ESXi host transport nodes. This feature is called the file dump.

This feature is currently supported only with NSX APIs. It is primarily targeted at advanced NSX users or engineers who are interested in studying the historical trend of statistics on a host transport node and delve deeper in to the statistics for debugging data path issues.

The file dump feature uses the following two monitors to dump statistics to files:

  • esx-obsrv-tn-stats-file-dump-monitor: This monitor dumps ESXi host transport node statistics to files.
  • esx-obsrv-segment-stats-file-dump-monitor: This monitor dumps segment statistics to files.

    Statistics of only overlay segments are dumped to files. The file dump feature is currently not supported for VLAN segments.

On the ESXi host transport nodes, the files are saved at /var/run/log/nsx-obsrv-stats-filedump/

The data that is dumped to the files is in a raw format. The system currently does not provide a UI to consume and analyze the raw data in NSX Manager.

You can download the raw files from the hosts and share them with VMware Support for analysis purposes. The raw files are available at the following location on the host transport nodes:


The raw files are also saved in the NSX support bundle when you create a support bundle collection request.

The following procedure explains the API workflow for using the file dump feature.


  1. To dump host transport node statistics to files, do these steps.
    1. Run the following API to view the configuration of the default profile of the esx-obsrv-tn-stats-file-dump-monitor:
      GET https://<nsx-mgr>/policy/api/v1/infra/sha/monitors/esx-obsrv-tn-stats-file-dump-monitor/profiles/default-profile
    2. Copy the GET API response of the previous step and paste it in a text editor. Edit the following properties in the default profile:
      • check_interval
      • enable
      • disable_after
      • file_dump_backup_count_dp_tn_stats

      To learn more about these configuration properties, go to the documentation of the following API in the NSX API Guide:


      Expand the ShaMonitorProfile schema. In the Type column, click ShaEsxObsrvTnStatsFileDumpMonitorConfig to view the property descriptions.

    3. Paste the updated profile configuration in the request body of the following API:
      PATCH https://<nsx-mgr>/policy/api/v1/infra/sha/monitors/esx-obsrv-tn-stats-file-dump-monitor/profiles/default-profile

      When this API is successful, the file dump feature is activated for all the host transport nodes in the system.

    4. To verify whether the profile of the esx-obsrv-tn-stats-file-dump-monitor has taken effect on a specific host transport node, run the following API:
      GET https://<nsx-mgr>/policy/api/v1/infra/sha/monitors/esx-obsrv-tn-stats-file-dump-monitor/status?transport_node_id=<node-id>

      The output of this API displays the monitor profile that is effective on the host transport node and the detailed configuration of that profile.

      This API requires you to specify the node_id in the API URI. To get the node_id of the host transport nodes, run the following API:

      GET https://<nsx-mgr>/policy/api/v1/infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/default/host-transport-nodes
  2. To dump statistics of specific segments to files, do these steps.
    1. Set the enable_esx_datapath_per_segment_stats property in the profile of the esx-obsrv-stats-management monitor to true.

      This action activates the collection of segment statistics from the host transport nodes in the system.

      To learn more about activating the collection of segment statistics, see the Prerequisites section in Monitor NSX Segment Statistics Using APIs.

    2. Determine the VNI of the overlay segments whose statistics you want to dump to files.

      You can use any one of these methods to determine the VNI of the segments.

      Method 1: Using API

      Run the following API:

      GET https://<nsx-mgr>/policy/api/v1/infra/realized-state/realized-entities?intent_path=/infra/segments/<segment-id>

      In this API URI, replace segment-id with the value of the overlay segment ID whose VNI you want to determine.

      Method 2: Using NSX Manager UI

      Navigate to Networking > Segments > NSX. Expand the details of the overlay segment, and then expand the Additional Settings section.

      Note down the value next to the Overlay ID (VNI) field.

    3. Run the following API to view the configuration of the default profile of the esx-obsrv-segment-stats-file-dump-monitor:
      GET https://<nsx-mgr>/policy/api/v1/infra/sha/monitors/esx-obsrv-segment-stats-file-dump-monitor/profiles/default-profile
    4. Copy the GET API response of the previous step and paste it in a text editor. Edit the following properties in the default profile:
      • check_interval
      • enable
      • segment_list
      • disable_after
      • file_dump_backup_count_dp_segment_stats

      To learn more about these configuration properties, go to the documentation of the following API in the NSX API Guide:


      Expand the ShaMonitorProfile schema. In the Type column, click ShaEsxObsrvSegmentStatsFileDumpMonitorConfig to view the property descriptions.

    5. Paste the updated profile configuration in the request body of the following API:
      PATCH https://<nsx-mgr>/policy/api/v1/infra/sha/monitors/esx-obsrv-segment-stats-file-dump-monitor/profiles/default-profile

      When this API is successful, the file dump feature is activated for the specified segments. The segment statistics are dumped to files that are saved on the host transport nodes.

    6. To verify whether the profile of the esx-obsrv-segment-stats-file-dump-monitor has taken effect on a specific host transport node, run the following API:
      GET https://<nsx-mgr>/policy/api/v1/infra/sha/monitors/esx-obsrv-segment-stats-file-dump-monitor/status?transport_node_id=<node-id>

      The output of this API displays the monitor profile that is effective on the host transport node and the detailed configuration of that profile.

      This API requires you to specify the node_id in the API URI. To get the node_id of the host transport nodes, run the following API:

      GET https://<nsx-mgr>/policy/api/v1/infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/default/host-transport-nodes

What to do next

Typically, segment statistics are required only for debugging data path issues. Collection of segment statistics is a resource-intensive activity. Therefore, after the debugging is completed, remember to deactivate the collection of segment statistics in the profile of the esx-obsrv-stats-management monitor.