You can put a VTEP in maintenance mode provided there is an alternate healthy VTEP on the host.


  • Ensure at least one healthy VTEP is present on the host.


  1. To put a VTEP in Administrative Down mode, call the following API:
    POST https://<nsx-mgr>/policy/api/v1/infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcementpoint-id>/host-transport-nodes/<host-transport-node-id>/vteps/actions
         "type": "TransportNodeVtepAdminStateMgmtRequest",
         "device_name": "vmk10"
         "admin_state_up": <state>
    state is false for configuring VTEP in Administrative Down mode.
    state is true for configuring VTEP in non-Administrative Down mode, which is to bring VTEP back up from Administrative Down mode to normal state.
    This operation does not persist after restarting the transport node.
  2. Move the VM vNIC of the VTEP that is Administrative Down mode to another healthy VTEP.


VM vNIC from VTEP in Administrative Down mode is moved to another healthy VTEP.