After you configure an IPSec or L2 VPN session, you can monitor the VPN tunnel status and troubleshoot any reported tunnel issues using the NSX Manager user interface.


  1. With admin privileges, log in to NSX Manager.
  2. Navigate to the Networking > VPN > IPSec Sessions or Networking > VPN > L2 VPN Sessions tab.
  3. Expand the row for the VPN session that you want to monitor or troubleshoot.
  4. To view the status of the VPN tunnel status, click the info icon.
    The Status dialog box appears and displays the available statuses.
  5. To view the VPN tunnel traffic statistics, click View Statistics in the Status column.
    The Statistics dialog box displays the traffic statistics for the VPN tunnel.
  6. To view the error statistics, click the View More link in the Statistics dialog box.
  7. To close the Statistics dialog box, click Close.