Troubleshooting OVA Failures

Note: During deployment, if you entered incorrect configuration details, delete the appliance and redeploy with correct configuration.
  • Verify that the datastore chosen for deployment is mounted on all the hosts that are members of a cluster. Redeploy and choose ESXi host instead of VMware vCenter to bypass VMware vCenter cluster related checks.
  • If proxy enabled on VMware vCenter, edit file /etc/sysconfig/proxy and add line .*.domainname to bypass proxy for ESXi hosts. See,
  • If deployment of appliance through OVF tool gives error ovf descriptor not found, view the file contents in terminal cat -A <filepath/filename> and remove hidden formatting characters. Then try again.

Troubleshooting Issues Related to Bringing Up the Appliance

SSH to NSX Manager CLI as admin and run following commands to troubleshoot.
  • Run get configuration and verify hostname/name-server/search-domain/ntp settings are correct.
  • Run get services and verify all required services are running (other than nsx-message-bus, snmp, migration-coordinator). If these services are not running, try restarting the service by running restart service <service-name>.
  • Run get cluster status and verify all manager cluster components are up. If any component is down, try restarting the service associated to the component by running restart service <associated-component-service-name>.
  • Run get core-dumps to verify no core dumps generated in /var/log/core or /image/core. If you find any core dumps, contact VMware Support.
  • Run get filesystem-stats to verify that no disk partition is full, especially those partitions that are consumed by NSX.
  • Alternatively, you can run API commands to know the node and service status.

    GET api/v1/node/status

    GET api/v1/node/services