You can scale out the NSX Application Platform Automation Appliance control plane and Kubernetes worker nodes in your environment.

For scale-out operations, a maximum of three control plane nodes are supported, while four Kubernetes worker nodes are supported for Advanced form factor.

Note: Scale-out operations are not supported on the Evaluation form factor.


  • Verify that the NSX Application Platform is successfully deployed. See Automating Deployment of the NSX Application Platform.

  • Verify that you have adequate resources in your environment for scaled-out nodes.
  • You must have the Advanced form factor to perform scaling operations.


  1. From your browser, log in with Admin privileges to NSX Application Platform Automation Appliance at https://<nsx-application-platform-automation-ip-address>.
  2. In the Deployment Wizard page, click Start.
  3. In the Environment Configuration tab, accept the existing settings and skip to the NSX Application Platform configuration section.
  4. Configure the NSX Application Platform instances details.
    1. Click the three dots under the Instance Name.
    2. Click Edit.
      The Edit NAPP instance page opens.
    3. Keep the instance name, FQDN, and login credential settings.
    4. Click Next.
    5. Keep the product version settings.
    6. Keep the form factor settings.
    7. Change the number of control plane or Kubernetes worker nodes based on the form factor set in the previous step.
      The maximum for the Advanced form factor is four Kubernetes worker nodes and three supported control plane nodes.
      For example, change the Kubernetes worker nodes from three to four.
    8. Click Next.
    9. Keep the service and messaging name settings and click Next.
    10. Click Update.
  5. Select Configuration Complete, Run Precheck and click Run Precheck.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Keep the validated network traffic flows and click Next.
  8. Click Update & Deploy for the deployment wizard to reinstall vSphere with Tanzu.
    1. Review the deployment status to make sure the deployment is successful.
      You can view the implementation and status of the newly scaled nodes.
    2. If there is a vSphere with Tanzu deployment error, you must resolve it and click Update & Redeploy to proceed.
      You can download the generated Kubeconfig file and store the offline copy of the token.
    3. Verify that the scale operation is successful.
      • In the vSphere Client, verify that the vSphere with Tanzu cluster shows newly added node.
      • Log in to the NSX Manager, navigate to NSX Application Platform, and verify that the node count reflects the newly added nodes.

  9. Log in to the NSX Manager, select System > NSX Application Platform > Actions > Scale Out and scale out the NSX Application Platform onto the newly added worker node.