Logging in to the Supervisor cluster fails because of a Certificate error.
Tanzu Kubernetes Grid deployment fails when the Supervisor cluster log-in fails with the following error message.
{"function":"LoginToWCPCluster","level":"info","msg":"Failed to login to WCP cluster. Error was: time=\"2024-04-13T16:19:47Z\" level=error msg=\"Error occurred during HTTP request: Get \\\"\\\": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of \\\"crypto/rsa: verification error\\\" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate \\\"CA\\\")\"\ntime=\"2024-04-13T16:19:47Z\" level=fatal msg=\"Error while connecting to host Get \\\"\\\": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of \\\"crypto/rsa: verification error\\\" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate \\\"CA\\\").\"\n","time":"2024-04-13T16:19:47Z"}
After configuring VMware vCenter, in the NSX Application Platform Automation Appliance deployment wizard, the user changed the VMware vCenter IP address and installed a new certificate, but the existing certificate was also retained. As a result, NSX Application Platform Automation Appliance did not import the new certificate because a certificate was present on VMware vCenter.
When Tanzu Kubernetes Grid is redeployed, the existing certificate is used instead of the new one, which causes the deployment error.