With PowerCLI, you can automate various administration tasks on virtual machines, for example retrieving information, shutting down and powering off virtual machines.


  1. View all virtual machines on the target system.
  2. Save the name and the power state properties of the virtual machines in the ResourcePool resource pool into a file named myVMProperties.txt.
    $respool = Get-ResourcePool ResourcePool
    Get-VM -Location $respool | Select-Object Name, PowerState > myVMProperties.txt
  3. Start the VM virtual machine.
    Get-VM VM | Start-VM
  4. Get information of the guest OS of the VM virtual machine.
    Get-VMGuest VM | fc
  5. Shut down the OS of the VM virtual machine.
    Stop-VMGuest VM
  6. Power off the VM virtual machine.
    Stop-VM VM
  7. Move the virtual machine VM from the Host01 host to the Host02 host.
    Get-VM -Name VM -Location Host01 | Move-VMDestination Host02
    Note: If the virtual machine you want to move across hosts is powered on, it must be located on a shared storage registered as a datastore on both the original and the new host.