You can create a content library and content library item by using the vSphere Automation SDK for PowerShell.


Verify that you are connected to a vSphere Automation API server.


  1. Specify a datastore for storage backing.
    $backingDatastore = Invoke-ListDatastore -Names 'local-0'
  2. Create a content library.
    $storageBacking = Initialize-LibraryStorageBacking -DatastoreId $backingDatastore.datastore -Type 'DATASTORE'
    $libraryModel = Initialize-LibraryModel -Name 'TestLocalContentLibrary' -StorageBackings $storageBacking
    $contentLibraryId = Invoke-CreateContentLocalLibrary -LibraryModel $libraryModel
  3. Create a content library item.
    $libraryItemModel = Initialize-LibraryItemModel -Name 'TestContentLibraryItem' -LibraryId $contentLibraryId
    $libraryItemId = Invoke-CreateContentLibraryItem -LibraryItemModel $libraryItemModel