You can get information about existing passthrough devices and add new SCSI and PCI devices to virtual machines and hosts.


Verify that you are connected to a vCenter Server system.


  1. Get a list of the PCI passthrough devices of the VMHost host
    $vmhost = Get-VMHost ESXHost
    Get-PassthroughDevice -VMHost $vmhost -Type Pci
  2. Get a list of the SCSI passthrough devices of the VM virtual machine
    $vm = Get-VM VM
    Get-PassthroughDevice -VM $vm -Type Scsi
  3. Add a SCSI passthrough device to the VM virtual machine
    $scsiDeviceList = Get-PassthroughDevice -VMHost ESXHost -Type Scsi
    Add-PassthroughDevice -VM $vm -PassthroughDevice $scsiDeviceList[0]