To allocate resources to an organization, you need to create an organization virtual data center (vDC). When the demands of the organization change, you can modify or remove the organization vDC.


  • Verify that you are connected to a VMware Cloud Director server as a provider administrator.

  • Verify that at least one enabled provider vDC is available on the server.


  1. Create a new organization vDC using the Pay As You Go model for resource allocation.
    $myOrg = Get-Org -Name 'MyOrg1'
    $myPVdc = Get-ProviderVdc -Name 'MyProvidervDC'
    New-OrgVdc -Name 'MyOrgvDC' -AllocationModelPayAsYouGo -Org $myOrg -ProviderVdc $myPVdc -VMCPUCoreMHz 1000
    To create the organization vDC, VMware Cloud Director PowerCLI uses a default configuration based on the selected resource allocation model.
    • VMMaxCount is set to 100
    • NetworkMaxCount is set to 1024
    • The vDC is automatically enabled
    • Thin provisioning is deactivated
    • Fast provisioning is deactivated
    • NicMaxCount is set to $null (unlimited)
    • MemoryGuaranteedPercent is set to 100
    • CpuGuaranteedPercent is set to 0
  2. Modify the vCPU speed setting for the virtual machines in the organization vDC.
    Get-OrgVdc -Name 'MyOrgVdc' | Set-OrgVdc -VMCpuCoreMhz 2000
  3. Enable fast provisioning for the virtual machines in the organization vDC.
    Get-OrgVdc -Name 'MyOrgVdc' | Set-OrgVdc -UseFastProvisioning $true
  4. Deactivate and remove the new organization vDC.
    Get-OrgVdc -Name 'MyOrgVdc' | Set-OrgVdc -Enabled $false | Remove-OrgVdc