Based on the type of the vApp network, you can configure various network settings, such as DNS, static IP pools, and firewalls. If you no longer need a vApp network, you can remove it.
Verify that you are connected to a VMware Cloud Director server.
- Retrieve the vApp for which you want to modify vApp networks.
$myVApp = Get-CIVApp -Name 'MyVApp'
- Modify the settings for DNS and static IP pool for the vApp network named MyVAppNetwork.
Get-CIVAppNetwork -VApp $myVApp -Name 'MyVAppNetwork' | Set-CIVAppNetwork -PrimaryDns -SecondaryDns -DnsSuffix '' -StaticIPPool " -"
- (Optional) Remove MyVAppNetwork.
$myVApp | Get-CIVAppNetwork -Name 'MyVAppNetwork' | Remove-CIVAppNetwork
- (Optional) Remove all isolated vApp networks for the vApp named MyVapp.
$myVApp | Get-CIVAppNetwork -ConnectionType Isolated | Remove-CIVAppNetwork
- Retrieve the organization vDC network named MyOrgVdcNetwork1.
$myOrgVdcNetwork1 = Get-OrgVdcNetwork -Name 'MyOrgVdcNetwork1'
- Retrieve the organization vDC network named MyOrgVdcNetwork2.
$myOrVdcgNetwork2 = Get-OrgVdcNetwork -Name 'MyOrgVdcNetwork2'
- Redirect all vApp networks that connect to MyOrgVdcNetwork1 to connect to MyOrgVdcNetwork2.
Get-CIVAppNetwork -ParentOrgVdcNetwork $myOrgVdcNetwork1 | Set-CIVAppNetwork -ParentOrgVdcNetwork $myOrgVdcNetwork2 -NatEnabled $false -FirewallEnabled $false
The operation deactivates the firewall and NAT routing for all vApp networks that are connected to