To activate the protection of virtual machines, you first create a protection group for host-based replication (HBR).
You create protection groups to enable Site Recovery Manager (SRM) to protect virtual machines. This example shows how to create a protection group for host-based replication by using the Site Recovery Manager SDK for PowerShell.
Verify that your SRM connection is authenticated against the protected (local) and recovery (remote) vCenter Server systems. This example uses the $srmConnection variable from Connect to a Local and to a Remote Site Recovery Manager (SRM) Server.
- The VMs that you want to protect must be replicated by using vSphere Replication.
You must have the required privileges to create protection groups on the recovery site.
- Get the VM that you want to add to a protection group.
$replicatedVm = Invoke-SrmGetReplicatedVms `
-PairingId $srmConnection.ConnectedPairing.PairingId `
-VcenterId $srmConnection.ConnectedPairing.LocalVcServer.Id `
-FilterProperty "Name" `
-Filter "<myVmName>"
- Prepare the HBR protection group spec.
$hbrSpec = Initialize-SrmHbrProtectionGroupSpec -Vms $replicatedVm.List[0].Id
- Prepare the protection group creation spec.
For the
ReplicationType parameter, specify
$protectionGroupSpec = Initialize-SrmProtectionGroupCreateSpec -Name "<myProtectionGroupName>" `
-ReplicationType HBR `
-ProtectedVcGuid $srmConnection.ConnectedPairing.LocalVcServer.Id `
-HbrSpec $hbrSpec
- Create the protection group task.
$task = Invoke-SrmCreateGroup -PairingId $srmConnection.ConnectedPairing.PairingId `
-ProtectionGroupCreateSpec $protectionGroupSpec
- Monitor the task progress.
$task = Invoke-SrmGetTaskInfo -TaskId $task.Id
eventually changes to SUCCESS
- (Optional) Retrieve the protection group you created.
$protectionGroup = Invoke-SrmGetGroup -PairingId $srmConnection.ConnectedPairing.PairingId `
-GroupId $task.Result
What to do next
Create a recovery plan for your protection group.