Before you can create protection groups and recovery plans for ABR, you must create a replicated array pair for the protected (local) and recovery (remote) SRM sites.



  1. Prepare the replicated array pair create spec.

    You must specify the local array manager ID, and the storage array keys of the local (protected) and remote (recovery) array managers.

    $replicatedArrayPairSpec = Initialize-SrmReplicatedArrayPairSpec -ArrayManagerId $localArrayManager.Id `
       -StorageArrayKey $localArrayManager.StorageArrays[0].StorageArrayKey `
       -PeerStorageArrayKey $remoteArrayManager.StorageArrays[0].StorageArrayKey
  2. Create the replicated array pair.
    $task = Invoke-SrmCreateReplicatedArrayPair -PairingId $srmConnection.ConnectedPairing.PairingId `
       -SrmId $srmConnection.ConnectedPairing.LocalSrmServer.Id `
       -ReplicatedArrayPairSpec $replicatedArrayPairSpec
  3. Monitor the task progress.
    $task = Invoke-SrmGetTaskInfo -TaskId $task.Id

    $task.Status eventually changes to SUCCESS.

  4. (Optional) Retrieve the replicated array pair.

    The Result property of the $replicatedArrayPairTask object contains the ID of the replicated array pair.

    $replicatedArrayPairTask = Invoke-SrmGetTaskInfo -TaskId $task.Id
    $replicatedArrayPair = Invoke-SrmGetReplicatedArrayPair -PairingId $srmConnection.ConnectedPairing.PairingId `
       -SrmId $srmConnection.ConnectedPairing.LocalSrmServer.Id `
       -ArrayPairId $replicatedArrayPairTask.Result

What to do next

Create protection group and recovery plan by using the replicated array pair.