You can create a Tier-1 gateway with the NSX Policy SDK for PowerShell by using the Initialize-Tier1 and Invoke-PatchTier1 cmdlets.


  • Verify that you are connected to an NSX server system.
  • Verify that your system has Tier-0 gateway(s).


  1. Retrieve the Tier-0 paths.
    $t0s = Invoke-ListTier0s
    $t0 = $t0s.Results | where {$_.DisplayName -eq $T0GatewayName}
  2. Prepare the input for the operation.
    $t1 = Initialize-Tier1 -ArpLimit 5000 -DisplayName $T1GatewayName -Tier0Path $t0.Path
  3. Invoke the operation.
    Invoke-PatchTier1 -Tier1Id $T1GatewayName -Tier1 $t1