You can modify host configuration, including advanced settings related to virtual machine migration, and apply them to another host.
Verify that you are connected to a vCenter Server system.
- Change the migration timeout for the ESXHost1 host.
Get-VMHost ESXHost1 | Set-VmHostAdvancedConfiguration -Name Migrate.NetTimeout -Value ( [system.int32] 10 )
- Enable creation of a checksum of the virtual machines memory during the migration.
Get-VMHost ESXHost1 | Set-VmHostAdvancedConfiguration -Name Migrate.MemChksum -Value ( [system.int32] 1 )
- Get the ESXHost1 host migration settings.
$migrationSettings = Get-VMHost ESXHost1 | Get-VmHostAdvancedConfiguration -Name Migrate.*
- Apply the migration settings to ESXHost2.
Set-VmHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost ESXHost2 -Hashtable $migrationSettings