You can use the vSphere Replication SDK for PowerShell to replicate a VM from a source to a target vCenter Server system.
This example shows how to replicate a single VM from a datastore on the local vCenter Server system to a datastore on a remote vCenter Server system.
Verify that the vSphere Replication appliance is deployed on the source and target sites.
Verify that your VrServerConnection
is authenticated against the source and target vCenter Server systems. This example uses the $vr2 connection variable from Connect to a Local and to a Remote vSphere Replication Server.
You must have the required privileges to configure replications and manage datastores on the source and target sites.
- Get the local VM that you want to replicate.
$pairing = $vr2.ConnectedPairings["<remote_vc_server_name>"].Pairing
$replicatedVm = Invoke-VrGetLocalVms -PairingId $pairing.PairingId `
-VcenterId $pairing1.LocalVcServer.Id `
-FilterProperty "Name" `
-Filter "<my_vm_name>" `
-Server $vr2
- Get the VM hard disks that you want to replicate.
$replicatedHdds = Invoke-VrGetLocalVmDisks -PairingId $pairing.PairingId `
-VmId $replicatedVm.List[0].Id `
-VcenterId $pairing.LocalVcServer.Id `
-Server $vr2
- Get the target datastore on the remote site.
$targetDatastore = Invoke-VrGetVrCapableTargetDatastores -PairingId $pairing.PairingId `
-VcenterId $pairing.RemoteVcServer.Id `
-FilterProperty "Name" -Filter "<remote_datastore_name>" -Server $vr2
- Create the configuration for disks replication.
$replicatedHdds.List | ForEach-Object {
$replicationVmDisks += Initialize-VrConfigureReplicationVmDisk -VmDisk $_ `
-EnabledForReplication:$true `
-DestinationDatastoreId $targetDatastore.List[0].Id `
-DestinationDiskFormat 'SAMEASSOURCE'
- Create the replication spec.
$replicationSpec = Initialize-VrConfigureReplicationSpec `
-Rpo 60 -NetworkCompressionEnabled:$true `
-MpitEnabled:$true -AutoReplicateNewDisks:$true `
-LwdEncryptionEnabled:$false `
-Disks $replicationVmDisks `
-MpitInstances 1 `
-MpitDays 1 `
-TargetVcId $pairing.RemoteVcServer.Id `
-VmId $replicatedVm.List[0].Id
- Invoke the ConfigureReplication operation.
$task = Invoke-VrConfigureReplication -PairingId $pairing.PairingId `
-ConfigureReplicationSpec $replicationSpec -Server $vr2
vSphere Replication starts replicating the virtual machine files to the target site datastore.
- Monitor the task progress.
$t = Invoke-VrGetTaskInfo -TaskId $task.List[0].Id -Server $vr2
Eventually, the task status must change to SUCCESS
- (Optional) Get the replication on the remote site.
$rep2 = Invoke-VrGetAllReplications -PairingId $pairing.PairingId `
-FilterProperty "Name" -Filter <my_vm_name> -Server $vr2
- (Optional) Sync your virtual machine to the configured replication on the target site.
Invoke-VrSyncReplication -PairingId $pairing.PairingId `
-ReplicationId $rep2.List[0].Id -Server $vr2