Creating vApp templates from vApps in the cloud might minimize future efforts for cloning vApps. You can use the templates later to create vApps that are based on the source vApp.
Verify that you are connected to a VMware Cloud Director server.
- Retrieve the source vApp for the vApp template that you want to create.
$myVApp = Get-CIVApp -Name 'MyVApp'
- If the source vApp is running, stop it.
$myVApp = Stop-CIVApp -VApp $myVApp
- Retrieve the catalog to which you want to add the new vApp template.
$myCatalog = Get-Catalog -Name 'MyCatalog'
- Retrieve the organization vDC to which you want to add the new vApp template.
$myOrgVdc = Get-OrgVdc -Name 'MyOrgVdc'
- Create a vApp template.
New-CIVAppTemplate -Name 'MyVAppTemplate' -VApp $myVApp -OrgVdc $myOrgVDC -Catalog $myCatalog
- Start the source vApp.
$myVApp = Start-CIVApp -VApp $myVApp
What to do next
Create a vApp from the template and modify the vApp. See Create and modify a vApp.