You can use the Get-EsxTop cmdlet to retrieve real-time data for troubleshooting performance problems on your ESXi hosts.

The Get-EsxTop cmdlet exposes the esxtop functionality that provides real-time monitoring and performance analysis of an ESXi host's resources. You can use esxtop to gain insights into the performance and resource utilization of virtual machines and the underlying hardware.


Verify that you are connected to a server that runs ESX 4.1, vCenter Server 5.0 or later.


  1. Get the group to which the virtual machine belongs and save it as a variable.
    $group = Get-EsxTop -CounterName SchedGroup | where {$_.VMName -eq $vm.Name}
  2. Get the IDs of all virtual CPUs of the virtual machine and store them in an array.
    $gr = Get-EsxTop -TopologyInfo -Topology SchedGroup | %{$_.Entries} | where {$group.GroupID -contains $_.GroupId} $group.GroupID
    $cpuIds = @()
    $gr.CpuClient | %{$cpuIds += $_.CPUClientID}
  3. Get the CPU statistics for the virtual machine.
    $cpuStats = Get-EsxTop -CounterName VCPU | where {$cpuIds -contains $_.VCPUID}
  4. Calculate the used and ready for use percentage by using the UsedTimeInUsec and ReadyTimeInUsec stats.
    $result = @()
    $cpuStats | %{ `
    $row = "" | select VCPUID, Used, Ready; `
    $row.VCPUID = $_.VCPUID; `
    $row.Used = [math]::Round(([double]$_.UsedTimeInUsec/[double]$_.UpTimeInUsec)*100, 2); `
    $row.Ready = [math]::Round(([double]$_.ReadyTimeInUsec/[double]$_.UpTimeInUsec)*100, 2);` 
    $result += $row
  5. View the used and ready for use percentage for each virtual CPU of the virtual machine.
    $result | Format-TableAutoSize