PowerCLI loads the program configuration based on the scope that you select for each setting.

Table 1. Scope Impact on the Behavior of PowerCLI
Scope Priority Impact
Session High
  • When started, PowerCLI tries to load settings with the Session scope first.
  • Session settings override User and AllUsers settings.
  • Session settings are valid for the current PowerCLI session only.
User Medium
  • When PowerCLI cannot detect Session settings, the program tries to load User settings from the PowerCLI configuration files.
  • User settings override AllUsers settings.
  • User settings are automatically detected from the PowerCLI configuration files.
AllUsers Low
  • When PowerCLI cannot detect Session and User settings, the program loads AllUsers settings.
  • AllUsers settings do not override Session and User settings.
  • AllUsers settings are automatically detected from the PowerCLI configuration files.