You can customize the behavior of a cluster on a vCenter Server system by creating and modifying custom advanced settings for it.


Verify that you are connected to a vCenter Server system.


  1. Create a new cluster named Cluster.
    $cluster = New-Cluster -Name Cluster -Location (Get-Datacenter Datacenter)
  2. Create two advanced settings for the new cluster.
    $setting1 = New-AdvancedSetting -Type "ClusterHA" -Entity $cluster -Name 'das.defaultfailoverhost' -Value ''
    $setting2 = New-AdvancedSetting -Type "ClusterHA" -Entity $cluster -Name 'das.isolationaddress' -Value ''
  3. Modify the value of the advanced setting stored in the $setting2 variable.
    Get-AdvancedSetting -Entity $cluster -Name 'das.isolationaddress' | Set-AdvancedSetting -Value '' -Confirm:$false
  4. Create another advanced setting.
    New-AdvancedSetting -Entity $cluster -Name 'das.allowNetwork[Service Console]' -Value $true -Type 'ClusterHA'
  5. Get the Service Console setting and store it in a variable.
    $setting3 = Get-AdvancedSetting -Entity $entity -Name 'das.allowNetwork`[Service Console`]'
    The ` character is used to escape the wildcard characters [ and ] in the advanced setting name.