You can disassociate a storage policy that is associated with a virtual machine and its hard disk.


  • Verify that you are connected to a vCenter Server system.
  • Verify that a virtual machine named Target-VM exists in the vCenter Server environment.
  • Verify that a storage policy is associated with the Target-VM virtual machine.


  1. Get the Target-VM virtual machine and store it in the $vm variable.
    $vm = Get-VM -Name 'Target-VM'
  2. Get the hard disk associated with the $vm virtual machine and store it in the $hd variable.
    $hd = Get-HardDisk -VM $vm
  3. Disassociate all storage policies that are associated with the $vm virtual machine and the $hd hard disk.
    Set-SpbmEntityConfiguration $vm, $hd -StoragePolicy $null