Perform the steps listed in this section to replace the server certificate with a custom certificate bundle that is packaged in the PKCS12 format with the complete certification chain. Do not perform these steps if you want to use the self-signed certificate that is provided by the OVA.
Log in to the VMware Pulse IoT Center Administration console as nodeadmin.
On the Certificate Management page, click REPLACE to replace the existing server certificate.
In Server/ Node management certificate, click REPLACE and BROWSE.
Select a .p12 file from your repository that is password protected and contains the complete certificate chain.
Select Server Certificate or Replace VMware Pulse IoT Center Node Management Certificate check boxes or both to upload the certificate.
Enter the certificate password.
On the Replace Certificate page, you can select both the certificates in Select nodes(s) to upload the certificates. The certificates are replaced respectively depending on the selection. If you select both, enter the certificate alias details in the Alias text box.
Enter the certificate password and click NEXT.
On the Review page, review the details and click REPLACE.
You have successfully replaced the existing server certificate with a custom certificate bundle. To download the server logs, goto
Services page and select
Download Log Bundle.
To upload a load balancer certificate using Rebundle VMware Pulse IoT Center Agent option, click REPLACE.
On the Select Certificate page, upload a load balancer certificate.
You have successfully uploaded a .crt certificate.
Log in to the VMware Pulse IoT Center admin console.
On the Certificate Management page, click REPLACE on Rebundle Pulse IoT Agent.
On the Replace Certificate page, click BROWSE and upload the load balancer certificate.
Enter the host name and click NEXT.
You have successfully rebundled the agent certificate.
Note: For a multi-node setup, repeat the preceding steps for Node 2 and Node 3 respectively.