After deploying the VMware Pulse IoT Center load balancer node, go to the VMware Pulse IoT Center Administration console to complete the load balancer node setup.


You must have deployed the VMware Pulse IoT Center Load Balancer Node OVA.


  1. Access the VMware Pulse IoT Center Administration console using the URL format: https://<IP/FQDN>:8443/ui
    The VMware Pulse IoT Center Administration login page is displayed.
  2. Enter the Node Admin user name and password. The user name is nodeadmin.The password is what you have set in the OVF properties, while deploying the OVA.
  3. On the EULA page, read through the end-user license agreement, select Accept and click NEXT.
  4. On the Select Deployment Role page, select Pulse IoT Center Load Balancer Node from the Deployment Roles drop-down menu and click Next.
    The Node Setup wizard is displayed.
  5. On the First Organization page, enter the values of Pulse Nodes and Pulse Node Admin Password.
    Note: Add comma-separated FQDN or IP address values for all the three nodes. For example, we need to add FQDN values of Node 1, Node 2 and Node 3 in the Pulse Nodes text box. Password must be the same for all the three nodes.
  6. Click Next.
  7. On the Review page, review the information that you have entered. You can go back and make corrections if necessary. To initialize the node, click LAUNCH NODE.
    The node initialization takes a while to complete. After the note setup is complete, a list of services that are started are displayed. The status indicates that the deployment is successfully completed.


You have set up the VMware Pulse IoT Center load balancer node successfully.

What to do next

  • On the Nodes page, view the list of nodes in a particular cluster that you have added during setup.
  • On the Updates page, search for updates if any, by setting up the repository URL.
  • Deploy a server node. See Deploy a VMware Pulse IoT Center Server Node OVA.