With VMware Pulse IoT Center, you can add, delete, and update bulk properties on multiple devices.
Note: The custom property that you update on a device does not impact the set of properties in the device template. To use the newly added keys in Advanced Search, you must edit the device template and add the keys.
Perform the following steps:
You must be a Device Administrator to perform this operation.
- From the VMware Pulse IoT Center UI, go to Inventory> Devices
The Devices - All Devices page lists the registered, enrolled, and unenrolled Gateway and Thing devices.
- Select the devices for which you want to update the custom property.
- Devices can be from multiple templates.
- Device state can be Enrolled and Registered.
- Device Type can be GATEWAY and THING.
- Navigate to the ... drop-down menu and select Edit Custom Property.
The Custom Property dialog box with Edit and Delete key values is displayed.
- To edit a custom property, select Edit and enter the Name and Value of the property.
- Click DONE and SAVE.
A pop-up message with the number of properties added and deleted is displayed in the
Devices page.
- To verify if the values are added, click the device name and Properties.
- Click Custom Properties.
You can see that the properties are added.
- To delete a custom property, select the devices from the list and navigate to ... drop-down menu, select Edit Custom Property.
- Click Delete and enter the name of the key.
- Click DONE and SAVE.
A pop-up message with the number of properties added and deleted is displayed in the
Devices page.
- To verify if the keys are deleted, click the devices name and Properties > Custom Properties.
The keys have been deleted from the
Custom Properties for the devices.
You can ADD, EDIT, or DELETE any custom property using the bulk command.