After you install the VMware Pulse IoTC Agent, a daemon process starts and the DefaultClient binary sends the default metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, and disk usage to the VMware Pulse IoTC Agent every 60 seconds. The IoTC Agent collects the metrics and sends them to the VMware Pulse IoT Center server based on the metric interval time set in the device template. The default metric interval time is 60 seconds.
While creating a device template, ensure that you do not remove the CPU-Usage, Memory-Usage, and Disk-Usage metrics that are available in the template by default to monitor the performance of a gateway. Specifically, ensure that you do not change the metrics name and data type. The DefaultClient binary is available in the gateway at /opt/vmware/iotc-agent/bin/.
/opt/vmware/iotc-agent/bin/DefaultClient send-metric --device-id=<device Id> --name=<metric name> --type=<string|integer|double|boolean> --value=<value>