The metric graph data is aggregated if there are more than 1000 numeric metric values in a selected range. Each aggregated data point is an average of the values for a given time period within the range.

To view the graph of the metrics collected on your device, perform the following steps:


Note: String and Boolean values are not aggregated and are limited to the latest 1000 data points. To view all the data values, select a smaller time range.


  1. From the VMware Pulse IoT Center UI, go to Inventory > Devices.
    The Inventory - Devices page lists the registered and enrolled Gateway and Thing devices.
  2. Click the device for which you want to view the metrics graphs and click the Metrics tab.


By default, graphs are displayed for the following metrics:
  • CPU-Usage (in %)
  • Memory-Usage (in %)
  • Disk-Usage (in %)