Generate an *.iotcp package, upload it to the VMware Pulse IoT Center and run campaigns using the package.

The package command contains one subcommand for generating a package:
$ package-cli package
Package software for Pulse IoT Center
  package-cli package [command]
Available Commands:
  create      Generate an IoT Center package according to a package manifest.
  -h, --help   help for package
Use "package-cli package [command] --help" for more information about a command.

The Create Subcommand

The create subcommand creates a package using a specification file as specified in the following example:
$ package-cli package create -h
Generate an IoT Center package according to a package manifest.
  package-cli package create <path to package.yml> [flags]
  -h, --help            help for create
  -o, --output string   Set output path (default "./")
The create command has the following modification flags:
  • -o, --output - Sets the output path for the package that is created.