This section lists the steps to onboard a gateway using the Trusted Platform Module based authentication method.
- From the VMware Pulse IoT Center UI, go to Inventory > Devices.
The Devices - All Devices page is displayed.
The Register Gateway wizard is displayed.
- Enter your gateway name and select the device template that has the TPM-Based authentication method enabled to associate with your gateway.
Your gateway is registered and is listed in the Devices - All Devices page.
- To enroll your gateway, create a credential :
- Log in to your gateway and run the fingerprint command to generate the TPM Endorsement Public Key:
[root@localhost bin]# ./opt/vmware/iotc-agent/bin/fingerprint <Device Name>
"name": "<Device Name>",
"machine.address": [
"tpm.ek.public": "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtcjmahxIIdvvtIqgYn/xeMS3xy7MSAmD1Th9MDbDR9HVepiDD92OJwb5ARDjYnEUCRlrNfWGV5iXLZDQ7i8h4953GZhPLwK4x0MVcjPtPD8Of5fXxdPepuLFl8IPh4zPU9GAaTnY1+jkK8ccQP57iqBUDBZa2UU6z+VcWjAf7fnXzHug0meWExMFSMTi5qne7sNVbf8x54W6AceGO1KKSEKZpUWs0heTKIQBg4dZ3kWgws8HSvg07bd81CZPnaL0EHuaShboZnRXcTErN7a86bOJGUlD23CPJHk6Gt1XaqJrFthfWRWqLHbao3XxFkmh2vacXc5Ifs+CssTjbSzdNQIDAQAB",
"tpm.pcrs.sha256": [
JSON file successfully generated
- Copy the TPM Endorsement Public Key to your clipboard.
- In the VMware Pulse IoT Center console, navigate to the Inventory > Devices page and select the gateway to enroll.
- In the Devices -All Devices page, click the Actions drop-down menu and select Create Gateway Credentials.
- Paste the TPM Endorsement Public Key and click CREATE.
- To enroll, log in to your TPM enabled gateway and run the following command:
/opt/vmware/iotc-agent/bin/DefaultClient enroll --auth-type=TPM
- To enable your TPM enabled gateway for an automatic enrollment, perform the following steps:
- Go to /opt/vmware/iotc-agent/conf/iotc-agent.cfg.
iotc-agent.cfg file lists the details about your gateway enrollment.
- Scroll down to the autoEnrollmentType parameter and change its value to 1.
This change enables your registered gateway to be enrolled automatically.
- You can also configure the retry interval by specifying a autoEnrollRetryIntervalSeconds value. The VMware Pulse IoT Center server tries to enroll your whitelisted gateway after the specified interval. The default interval value is 300 seconds.
- Save the configuration and restart the VMware Pulse IoTC Agent.
The following example is a sample
iotc-agent.cfg file for auto enrollment:
Auto Enrollment:
# Auto enrollment of a registered gateway. 0 - No auto enrollment and 1 - TPM based
autoEnrollmentType = 1
# Enrollment retry interval in seconds, should be > 0
autoEnrollRetryIntervalSeconds = 300
You have successfully enrolled a TPM enabled gateway.