You can find troubleshooting steps for common campaign management problems in this section.


To monitor the progress of a campaign on the gateway, set the agentLogLevel to 6 in the iotc-agent.cfg file. You can then monitor the system logs to view the progress of the campaign using tools such as journalctl -u or iotc-agent -f.

The VMware Pulse IoTC Agent Fails to Run with the "Exec Format Error" Message

  • Prefix the script with a shebang (#!).
  • If you are running an executable, run it in a standalone staging environment without the VMware Pulse IoTC Agent. If the executable fails, fix the executable and try again. If the executable runs successfully, contact VMware Support.

Package Manifest File - the Packages Are Not Downloaded, Activated, or Executed

  • Ensure that your package is being executed in the headless mode.
  • Ensure that the manifestExecution property is enabled in the iotc-agent.cfg file.

Agent SDK - the Packages Are Not Downloaded, Activated, or Executed

  • Ensure that the respective lifecycle phase is scheduled with the defaultClient or the API.
  • Ensure that the manifestExecution property is disabled in the iotc-agent.cfg file.