You can enroll a Liota gateway and its connected Thing devices using the property-based authentication method.


  • Ensure that you have created a Liota gateway template with Property-Based as the enrollment provider type, and have connected Thing templates to it.
  • Ensure that you install Liota and VMware Pulse IoTC Agent in the /opt/vmware/ folder of your gateway.


  1. From the VMware Pulse IoT Center UI, go to Inventory > Devices.
    The Devices - All Devices page is displayed.
  2. Click REGISTER.
    The Register Gateway wizard is displayed.
  3. Enter your gateway name and select the device template that has Property-Based Authentication enabled to associate with your gateway.
  4. Click REGISTER.
    Your gateway is registered and is listed in the Devices - All Devices page.
  5. Create a credential to enroll your gateway. From the Devices -All Devices page, click the gateway that you registered.
  6. Click the Actions drop-down menu and select Create Gateway Credentials. Click CREATE.
  7. Enter a value for the keys that you defined when you create the device template. The key and value pair must be unique for all the devices that you have configured under your Organization. The device must send the same key and value pair to the server.
  8. Log in to your gateway and change the directory to /opt/vmware/liota/data/packages.
  9. Open the file and edit the property-based enrollment properties. Run the command: vi
  10. Under #property, enter the gateway template name, Thing device template name, enrollment key, and enrollment value.
  11. To enroll your Liota gateway, run:
    ./liotad/ enroll 
  12. You must receive the following output:
    Device ID: <device-ID>
    Device enrolled successfully.


Your Liota gateway is enrolled successfully. Verify that the status of your gateway is displayed as ENROLLED in the VMware Pulse IoT Center console. Also verify that the properties and metrics are populated.