The Packages tab allows you to view, upload, and download update packages for your devices.

To upload an update package, perform the following steps:


You must have the permissions of a Package Administrator to perform this operation.

For creating a campaign, ensure that you upload only .iotcp files from the Packages tab.


  1. From the VMware Pulse IoT Center UI, go to Updates > Packages.
    The Packages page is displayed.
  2. Click UPLOAD.
  3. Select the packages file from your system and click Open.
    A progress bar displays the progress of the upload. After the package is uploaded, it appears in the Packages page.
    Note: The package progress disappears if you switch to any other page or tab in the VMware Pulse IoT Center console UI.


You have uploaded the update package successfully.

What to do next

  • Use the package to create the campaign.
  • Download the package if required. To download a package, select the package and click the download icon on the right side of the page.
  • On the VMware Pulse IoT Center console UI, the file upload and download operations run in the background and the results are displayed after the operations are complete.
  • You cannot overwrite packages or delete them when they are associated with a campaign that is approved or started at least once.
Note: From release 2019.09 onwards, you cannot upload packages to VMware Pulse IoT Center using the 2019.07 version of the Package Management CLI tool. Ensure that you download the latest version.