When you onboard a gateway, at times, the devices are unable to connect to VMware Pulse IoTC Center and an error message is displayed. The syslog messages indicate that there is a connectivity problem.

You must perform the following checks:

  1. Verify if the VMware Pulse IoT instance is reachable from the gateway.
    1. Verify the following log location: /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages or journalctl.If you see the following error in the log file on the gateway device:

      Curl_easy_perform() failed : Could not connect to server.

    2. Verify the VMware Pulse IoT Center server. Run the following command: Curl -v https://<pulse-server> Ping <pulse-server>
  2. Verify the VMware Pulse IoTC agent logs for connection errors.
    1. Verify the log location on the gateway device: /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages or journalctl
  3. After enrolling, if there is no communication between the VMware Pulse IoTC agent and the VMware Pulse IoT Center server, verify the VMware Pulse IoTC agent logs for token errors in the location : /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages or journalctl

    The following error message is displayed in the log file on the gateway device: ERROR: GetCommand: HTTP GetCommand Request failed: ["Invalid Device token"]

  4. If the preceding step fails, contact VMware Support.
    Note: If historical data associated with the gateway is not important, then you can try re-enrolling the gateway device. See Onboarding a Gateway to VMware Pulse IoT Center in VMware Pulse IoT Center User Guide.