IotcApplicationIdIotcApplicationId represents the application identifier. IotcAllowedMetricInfoStores the allowed metric information. IotcAllowedMetricSetSet of allowed metrics of a device. IotcBooleanValueIotcBooleanValue represents the boolean type metric data point. IotcCampaignCallbacksIotcCampaignCallbacks represents a collection of campaign callback functions. IotcCampaignIdIotcCampaignId represents the campaign identifier. IotcCampaignScheduleTimeWindowIotcCampaignScheduleTimeWindow represents the campaign time window. IotcClientConfigIotcClientConfig represents client configuration SDKs. IotcCommandCommand structure to hold details about a command message received from the server. IotcCommandArgCommand argument structure. IotcCommandResponseCommand response to hold the response received for a command. IotcDevice(Deprecated) Represents a device entity. IotcDeviceDetailsIotcDeviceDetails represents the device details. IotcDeviceIdIotcDeviceId represents the device identifier. IotcDeviceDataIotcDeviceData represents a device entity. IotcDeviceSetRepresents the set of devices. IotcDeviceDataSet IotcDoubleValueIotcDoubleValue represents the float type metric data point. IotcEnrollmentCredentialsIotcEnrollmentCredentials represents the enrollment credentials. IotcEnrollmentDataIotcEnrollmentData represents the enrollment data. IotcEnrollmentRequestIotcEnrollmentRequest represents the enrollment request structure. IotcEnrollmentResponseIotcEnrollmentResponse represents the enrollment response. IotcGetResponseIotcGetResponse represents the GetResponse sent from the agent to the SDK. IotcInt64ValueIotcInt64Value represents the integer type metric data point. IotcKeyValueIotcKeyValue represents a key value pair. IotcKeyValueSetIotcKeyValueSet contains an array of device properties used. It represents the number of current keyValue set size and the capacity of the keyValue set. IotcMetricIotcMetric represents the metric data point to be sent to the agent. IotcMetricResponseIotcMetricResponse represents the metric response. IotcNotificationDefinitionIdIotcNotificationDefinitionId represents the notification definition identifier. IotcNotificationResponseIotcMetricIntvlResponse represents the notification response sent from the server to the client. IotcPackageIdIotcPackageId represents the package identifier string. IotcPropertySet(Deprecated) IotcPropertySet represents information about the properties that are currently set. IotcSendNotificationRequestIotcSendNotificationRequest represents the send notification request sent from the client to the server. IotcStringValueIotcStringValue represents the string type metric data point. IotcTemplateIdIotcTemplateId represents the template identifier. IotcUploadFileRequestIotcUploadFileRequest represents the Upload File request sent from the agent to the server. IotcUserCredentialsIotcUserCredentials represents basic user credentials and organization domain name. Parent topic: Agent APIs