You install VMware Remote Console from the App Store on your macOS machine. Alternatively, you can download an installation package and perform a manual install.

When you install a new version of VMware Remote Console from the App Store, you may be prompted to uninstall any previous versions that were not installed from the App Store.


Verify that your local machine is running a supported version of macOS. For a list of supported operating systems, see the release notes for your version of VMware Remote Console.


  • To install VMware Remote Console from the App Store, perform the following steps.
    Note: This procedure is supported for macOS 10.15 and later.
    1. Open the App Store and search for VMware Remote Console.
    2. Click Get > Install App.
    3. If prompted, sign in with your Apple ID and password.
    The App Store downloads and installs VMware Remote Console.
  • To manually install VMware Remote Console, perform the following steps.
    1. Access the VMware Remote Console download page and download VMware Remote Console for macOS.

      You can also access the download page from the vRealize Automation console or the vCloud Director Web Console.

      • In the vRealize Automation console, select any virtual machine in your deployment. Click the Actions icon and select Connect using VMRC. On the page displayed, click Download VMRC.
      • In the vCloud Director Web Console, select Compute > Virtual Machines. Click Actions on any virtual machine and select Download VMRC.
    2. Open the installation package and double-click VMware Remote Console.
    3. Enter the user name and password of a system administrator.
    4. Read the terms of the license agreement and click Agree.
    5. Select whether to join the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) and click Done.
      For more information about the CEIP, see Join or Leave the Customer Experience Improvement Program.


VMware Remote Console is installed on your local machine and is configured to open URLs that use the vmrc scheme.