You can use VMware Remote Console to access virtual machines in the vRealize Automation console or vCloud Director Web Console.


  • Install VMware Remote Console on your local system.
  • If necessary, configure a proxy server through which to connect to virtual machines. See Configure Proxy Settings.


  • To access a virtual machine from the vRealize Automation console, perform the following steps.
    1. In the vRealize Automation console, open your deployment and select the desired virtual machine.
    2. Click the Actions icon and select Connect using VMRC.
    3. On the page displayed, select Connect to console using VMRC.
  • To access a virtual machine from the vCloud Director Web Console, perform the following steps.
    1. In the vCloud Director Web Console, select Compute > Virtual Machines.
    2. On the desired virtual machine, click Actions and select Launch VM Remote Console.


VMware Remote Console connects to the specified virtual machine.

What to do next

Click the screen of the virtual machine in VMware Remote Console to transfer mouse and keyboard input to the virtual machine. To release the mouse and keyboard back to your local client, press Ctrl+Alt for Windows and Linux or Ctrl+Command for macOS.