You can change the display name and the operating system type of a virtual machine.

Note: Changing the operating system type is not supported in Linux. The VMware Remote Console Linux client cannot perform operations on powered-off virtual machines.

Changing the operating system type does not automatically change the guest operating system. This process changes only the configuration file for the virtual machine. You may want to change the operating system type of a virtual machine after you upgrade the operating system on the virtual machine or if an incorrect operating system type was selected for the virtual machine.


  1. Access the target virtual machine in VMware Remote Console.
  2. If you want to change the operating system type, power off the virtual machine.
  3. Open the virtual machine settings in VMware Remote Console.
    • On Windows, select VMRC > Manage > Virtual Machine Settings.
    • On macOS, select Virtual Machine > Settings.
    • On Linux, select Virtual Machine > Virtual Machine Settings.
  4. Open the general virtual machine settings.
    • On Windows or Linux, open the Options tab and click General.
    • On macOS, click General.
  5. Enter the desired name and select a guest operating system type.


The virtual machine configuration file is updated to reflect your changes.